Day Five - Love in any Language

Josiah - Today we were all very tired because yesterday went so late, so all of us didn't feel the greatest. It's only 5:45 pm and we all want to sleep but "beloved" dictator leader Sheila is forcing us too stay up until supper. We went to two Hogar de Paz locations where we did crafts and sang with the kids. It was still very encouraging to work with them and hear about their stories. These programs give kids who are abused and neglected to have a safe space that not only works with the kids but also helps the parents with information and advice on how to raise their children. One girl stood out as she could speak more English than the others, and she was constantly asking me questions and trying to talk with me. They were all very adorable. I am too tired to keep writing, so on to Braxton. 

Braxton - There were so many things that went on today from
going to two different Hogar de Paz to playing with so many amazing and sweet kids. The kids that we played with today have so many things that are going on in their lives, but you would have never know that any of the was going on for they always had a
smile on their face and loved doing all the crafts that we brought for them to do. My favorite part of today was playing with one of Marta's son Isaac, he had so much joy in his smile and I'm so happy that I was able to play with him all day. There has been so many things that I have been blessed with today and I'm going to leave you with the love of Jesus and hoping that you will have an amazing rest of your day. 

Sheila - Feliz Dia de San Valentin!!  What a perfect way to spend the day of love!  Even though today was my "hit a wall" day for energy - God was really made perfect in our weakness!  It was such a blessing to go back to this ministry after three years to see these kind servants still loving these little ones!  It's hard to look at these kids as not being exactly like the ones that run around the elementary halls of PCA - but then you hear their stories, and clearly they are far from the same.  When I hugged this little girl in the picture, I really wished I could just scoop her up and bring her home with me.  It's times like these that I feel like dollar store craft projects and a few school supplies is just not enough.  But then I am reminded that cups of cold water given in Jesus' name are valued too.  If you want someone to pray for tonight - pray for Ana Maria.  I don't know her story, but seeing where she lives, I'm pretty confident that she could use our prayer.  

A dear friend gave me a card with a wonderful quote by Anthony Bourdain about travel - but I'm going to paraphrase it a bit...  

"loving people isn't always pretty.  It isn't always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart.  But that's okay.  The journey changes you; it should change you.  It leaves marks on your memory, on your heart and on your body.  You take something with you.  Hopefully you leave something good behind."


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