FRIDAY - Feb 16 - Hogar de Paz and ECA Canada Day!

 Our first day was spent in two places.  First was Hogar de Paz in Prado.  We told the Bible story about the Wiseman and the Foolish man, drew pictures with the kids and made some sweet new little friends.

Next we went to El Camino Academy (our lovely host school) and presented Canada to students from Pre-kindergarten to 6th grade.  

Here are some highs of the day from our team!


Horgar de paz was one of the most impactful places I have been to so far! I got to play with a little girl name Belle.  She braided my hair and told me how much she loved me. Even though we were only there for a little bit, it made a huge impact.-<Hope

The first morning we were here, the team went to Hogar de Paz. We spent around an hour drawing and playing with the kids and some boys and I had an absolute blast arm wrestling and drawing silly pictures of each other.-<Ezra

It's crazy to think that people can bond over the smallest things. One kid at Hogar de paz did not know English at all. It turned out, however, that he did know the word "Anime." He then proceeded to draw me a comic of a battle scene. The main thing I learned from this interaction is that Goku from Dragon Ball can beat Naruto any day. -<Jonah

Yesterday began with one of the most heartwarming

experiences of the trip so far! When we arrived at Hogar de Paz, I was introduced to a young boy named Sebastian. Him and his sister, Zoe were very sweet, and though they didn't speak English, they communicated with me through drawings. After "talking" about our families, hobbies, and friends, we said goodbye. Afterwards, we went to ECA, a Christian school that encourages English learning. It was beautiful, and full of wonderful people! Teaching about Canada was so fun, and the kids were extremely receptive! Overall, yesterday was absolutely fantastic! -<Eric

Hogar de Paz was one of the best times I have had.  It was special because I spent time with Maho, a little girl, playing our own version of tic tac toe (I lost every time) but that gave such a joy in my heart to spend time with her even with a language barrier.<Sky


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