FRIDAY - February 23 - ACOINPREV School
Our final teaching day was spent at another school in Suba. There are over 700 students here in a relatively small space with one class having 39 kids in a 20' x 15' classroom. Our team made great connections with these kids that loved to try their English on us.
This is what some thought of it all.
My first impression of the school was that there were lots of students compared to the space they have. However, this one thing remained the same, their welcoming smiles and greetings when we entered the place. This day we taught a larger range of different grades and had the opportunity to have conversations with them. I loved how the children loved us, sometimes crying because they were so joyful to meet us. I wanted them to have their best time with a moment of peace from the hardships that they might be going through when they are outside of the school. Our team got prayers and supports to spread the Holy Spirit for these students, showing what it is like to be in Christ through serving with God's humility. The staffs at school showed love by what they can do the best for us and connecting with the team. I tried my best to give the students good memories and happiness, which was also my joy of the day. <Grace>
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